You can find all the source code in this article on my repo.

Let’s look at how some of the major game engines organize their scenes/levels in object-oriented fashions.

In Unreal, we have Actors that may have several Components attached. There exists Child Actor Components, meaning we can have a recursive hierarchy.

In Unity, we have GameObjects that can naturally have many children GameObjects and 1 parent GameObject. A GameObject can have as many MonoBehaviours attached as they want.

In Godot, everything is a Node. A Node has 1 parent and as many children as you want.

Personally, I like the flexibility Godot’s system provides. You never have to worry about if the feature you’re implementing should be an entity or component, and you’ll never have to worry about migrating code to be one or the other later if your initial decision was wrong.

Thus, I’ve decided to model my hierarchical system to be similar in philosophy to Godot’s. In my system, everything is an Entity. An Entity has one or no parents and many children.

In a previous implementation of my engine, this hierarchy was kept through raw pointers stored in a HashMap. As the engine got more complex and more features were built on top of this hierarchy, I became increasingly paranoid about the potential for dangling pointers, particularly introduced whenever that HashMap is resized without warning. So in this new implementation of the engine, I’ve decided to instead use smart pointers. In fact, an Entity can only exist as a std::shared_ptr. It is undefined behavior to instantiate an Entity with anything other than std::make_shared. We’ll see why in a minute.

The basic requirements I wanted for my Entity are as follows:

  • Inherits from Attributed.
  • To be able to iterate through children easily and efficiently.
  • To be able to add/remove children from their parents.
  • To be able to look up children by name.
  • To be able to re-parent children to a different Entity.
  • To have Update/Init methods on Entity which recursively invokes Update/Init on all children.
  • To be able to enable/disable Entities such that their Update/Init is not called.
  • For Entity to have a efficient hierarchical Transform that establishes their position in the scene.

Child Services

The principal methods for dealing with children are the aptly named Adopt() and Orphan(). Keeping in mind that each Entity has a HashMap<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Entity>>, a simplified version of Adopt() looks like this:

std::shared_ptr<Entity> Entity::Adopt(const std::string& childName, SharedEntity child)
	const auto [it, inserted] = children.Insert(childName, child);
	if (!inserted) [[unlikely]]
		throw InvalidNameException("child with name " + childName + " already exists");
	child->name = childName;
	child->parent = weak_from_this();
	return child;

So the first weird thing that might jump out at you is the [[unlikely]] attribute. This is an attribute that hints to the compiler that you don’t expect this if statement to be true very often. This helps the compiler generate better branch predictions.

The next strange thing is weak_from_this(). The method does exactly what it sounds like. It returns a std::shared_ptr to this. So why couldn’t we have just done std::shared_ptr<Entity>(this)? Because doing so would create a completely separate std::shared_ptr with a completely separate reference count from any existing std::shared_ptr to this. So we need to get a std::shared_ptr from some existing copy of the std::shared_ptr that already references this. This might sound impossible to do from within ths scope of a method where all we have is a raw pointer this but luckily the standard library has our back!

There’s a base class called std::enable_shared_from_this. It provides two public methods: shared_from_this() and weak_from_this() It’s (likely, based on your compiler) implemented by having a single member variable that is a std::weak_ptr to the original std::shared_ptr that this object was instantiated with. That std::weak_ptr is undefined if the object was instantiated with anything except std::make_shared. So that means an Entity can never be instantiated with new or even be instantiated on the stack. I believe this is a small syntactical price to pay since for the most part Entities will be instantiated using factory helper methods such as CreateChild.

Since I want every child to have a reference back to their parent, it makes sense for that reference to be a std::weak_ptr. It shouldn’t be a std::shared_ptr because then I would have a cyclic dependency where neither object’s reference count ever reaches 0, so neither is ever destroyed.

With the complexities of smart pointers in Adopt() out of the way, Orphan() is child’s play. We simply remove the entry from the HashMap and remove the reference to the parent.

std::shared_ptr<Entity> Entity::Parent() noexcept
	// lock() returns nullptr if the weak_ptr has gone bad
	// i.e. the shared_ptr hit a refcount of 0
	return parent.lock();

// Orphan's this child from its parent.
void Entity::Orphan() noexcept
	if (auto p = Parent())
		parent = {};

Hierarchical Transforms

When using smart pointers, establishing an object tree like this turned out to be rather simple. What was a little more complex was developing an efficient use of Transforms in this hierarchy. A Transform in game programming is an object that represents a translation, rotation, and scale. They’re often implemented with either a single transformation matrix, as three Vector3s, or as two Vector3s and a Quaternion. The exact implementation of a Transform is not important at this juncture, but what is important is recognizing that changing the Transform of a parent can potentially impact all child Transforms and that could be a slow operation.

You can think of any object as having two Transforms: a localTransform and a worldTransform. The localTransform describes an object’s transformation in relation to it’s parent. The worldTransform describes an object’s transformation in relation to the coordinate system’s origin.

On my Entity I have four methods in regard to Transforms:

  • GetLocalTransform()
  • GetWorldTransform()
  • SetLocalTransform()
  • SetWorldTransform()

As the most naïve approach, we could store a localTransform on every Entity and then whenever we call GetWorldTransform(), we calculate it on the fly by accumulating all localTransforms of all parents. This method should sound woefully inefficient to anyone reading this. If we’re simply reading and not modifying the Transforms, recalculating the worldTransform on demand every time is a huge waste of time.

The first step to optimization here is some simple memoization. We store not only a localTransform on every Entity, but also their worldTransform. I expect a Transform to be no bigger than 64 bytes on an x64 machine, so the memory cost here should be worth it. The problem now is what to do when we manipulate a Transform. If we change either the local or world Transform, all memoized worldTransforms in the children need to be recalculated. This could result in atrocious performance if the user is changing Transforms of the parents often but rarely looking at the children.

The best thing to do here is to defer recalculation until the last possible moment, only calculating it when we need it. We can do this by simply storing a bool that indicates whether or not the memoized worldTransform is valid.

So on SetLocalTransform() and SetWorldTransform() we recursively go through all children and set their bools to false.

On GetWorldTransform() we return the cached worldTransform only if we know it’s valid, otherwise we must recalculate it.

This minimizes the number of redundant Transform accumulations to the smallest amount possible. The most concerning expense now is the recursive descent into all children whenever a Transform is manipulated. This could be a costly operation if it results in a lot of cache misses. I’m not too worried about this though for two reasons:

  1. We would have had those cache misses anyway if we were using the naïve approach.
  2. Those cache misses could be mitigated using a custom memory manager that colocates all Entities in memory, and optimization I intend to implement.

I’ve delved into the source code for Unreal engine for inspiration on my implementation and have found that they take a similar approach. Whenever you call a method such as SetActorLocation(), a recursive descent is made into all child components to mark them for an update. I’ve also looked into some disassembly for Unity and found they do this as well, though it’s much more abstracted thanks to C#’s Properties.

You can find all the source code in this article on my repo.